Monday, April 29, 2013

Are You Running on Empty?

Last night I was talking to my sister-in-law and she was telling me she had to take her daughter, Teresa, to work because her car wouldn’t start.  Teresa had neglected to keep her gas tank filled, allowing the gas line to freeze.  This was new to me because in Alabama we usually don’t have severe enough weather to freeze our gas line.  But there is a remedy.  Putting a can of Heat in your gas tank will prevent your line from freezing.

As I lay in bed this morning the Lord brought this incident to mind.  Immediately, I realized He was showing me that we are much like a gas tank!  When our hearts are not full of Jesus, we resemble a gas tank that is not full, and our hearts begins to freeze. This is so gradual we hardly notice our heart’s condition.  The longer I neglect fellowship with Jesus, the colder my heart becomes.  I am sure when Teresa parked her car the night before, she had no idea the next morning it would not start.  How many days had she neglected to fill her tank?  Likewise, how many days do I ignore Jesus and go my merry way until one day I realize my heart is cold?  I have to ask Jesus to forgive me for my neglect.  Fortunately, He is faithful to forgive me.  That certainly is wonderful but like the car parked in the drive, I have parked my heart and missed many opportunities for fellowship with Him and perhaps even chances to bring His glory to others.  I am sure today Teresa will purchase a can of Heat so that she will be able to start her car in the morning.

 I pray every morning when I wake up that I will check my spiritual “tank” and be sure to fill my heart with the presence of Jesus.  That way when I meet someone “running low” or burdened with life’s cares I will be so full of  Jesus’ presence that I will be able to pray with them thereby helping them to refill their heart with Jesus.    The lovely thing is we don’t pay $3.68 a gallon.  His presence is free.  All we need to do is humble ourselves before Him; ask forgiveness and praise His holy name thereby entering into a vibrant relationship with our Savior. 

Thank you Jesus, that you are always available to hear my prayers and touch my heart with Yourself.  Don’t forget to keep your heart full and you won’t find yourself stranded and unable to cope with life.

Hebrews 10:23-24 “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for He who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds