The other day my friend noticed in her garden a
beautiful butterfly flitting from flower to flower. To her amazement there were holes in each of
its wings. She was so surprised at the
grace the butterfly exhibited. As she
related this story, she said there must be a Tidbit about this butterfly. As I was thinking about the butterfly a few
days later the Lord brought to mind the tenacity of this butterfly. It never majored on its imperfections. It just went living the life God had planned
for it. Each of us has imperfections in our life. Some are obvious on the outside like the
butterfly and some are hidden deeply within our body or soul. Our Lord never meant for our imperfections to
be an excuse for us to avoid the life He planned for us. As we lean on the Lord, we can draw strength
from Him to go forth and walk the path in life He destined for us. What if as the butterfly emerged from the
cocoon it said, “My wings are deformed and it will be too hard to learn to fly”
imagine the life it would have missed and the joy others would miss. Sometimes folks use the imperfections in
their life to actually draw into a cocoon rather than appropriate God and face
the life He has for them. How thankful we can be that as Jesus looked ahead to
the cross, He did not say, “It’s too hard for me.” In His word God says His
strength is sufficient. Next time you
feel like your wings are shot with holes remember the holey butterfly. Just remember we all have holes in our life,
but the secret is to overcome them. Much
like the butterfly never forgets Jesus is sufficient.
2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you,
for power is perfected in weakness.”
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